Google Firebase vs AWS Amplify - Which Backend-as-a-Service Platform is the Better Choice?

January 31, 2022


In today's world, businesses aim to develop and deploy applications faster and more efficiently. To achieve this, Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platforms like Google Firebase and AWS Amplify have emerged to help developers speed up the application development process as they leverage cloud infrastructures. In this blog post, we will take an unbiased and factual comparison of the two platforms to help you make a better-informed decision.

Google Firebase vs AWS Amplify

Both Google Firebase and AWS Amplify offer a wide range of features, including app hosting, database management, user authentication, push notifications, and many more. Let's take a closer look at some critical factors to consider.


Pricing is a crucial factor, especially for small businesses or startups. Both platforms have free usage tiers, but as your application scales, you will need to pay. In general, Google Firebase looks cheaper than AWS Amplify, especially for projects with higher data volumes or storage requirements. The table below compares the pricing of both platforms for each pricing tier.

Service Google Firebase Pricing per month AWS Amplify Pricing per month
Authentication Free Free
Cloud Firestore Datastore Starting from $0.18/1GB Free
Cloud Storage for Firebase Starting from $0.026/GB $0.023/GB

User Interface

Google Firebase and AWS Amplify have intuitive user interfaces that allow developers of all skill levels to navigate and manage their applications. However, Google Firebase's user interface is more user-friendly. Google Firebase also provides additional support and documentation, which makes it easier for developers to use the platform.

Development Flexibility

Both platforms support a wide range of programming languages, including JavaScript, Node.js, and Python, among others. However, Google Firebase is slightly ahead in this aspect as it provides more development flexibility with additional libraries and SDKs. Also, Google Firebase is optimized for use with Google Cloud Platform products.

Security and Compliance

Compliance is critical when choosing a BaaS platform. Both Google Firebase and AWS Amplify provide robust security and compliance features. However, AWS Amplify is more mature in terms of compliance, providing more compliance certifications like SOC, PCI-DSS, and others.


While both platforms provide excellent features and functionalities, Google Firebase and AWS Amplify differ in terms of pricing, user interface, development flexibility, and security and compliance. Developers should weigh the pros and cons of each platform before choosing the best fit for their project.


  1. Google Firebase Pricing.
  2. AWS Amplify Pricing.
  3. Comparing Firebase and AWS Amplify.

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